The Long Highway

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Up early again today, at 7:30, meditation difficult because of the 8:00 am leaf-blowing extravanganza next door. Those things should be banned before 9:00 am. But it is good to get back in the habit, and it gets easier every time to get to a still space. Woke G up and we had a rare breakfast together, as she doesn't go in much for breakfast. Contemplated the gloomy economic forecast for the near future. Aggravated to realize last night as I got ready for bed that my clip-on sunglasses for my glasses got lost last night, apparently slipped out of my bag during the concert. Goddam it, if the eyewear store had actualy sent the case for them out when they said they did, I would have had them in my pocket and not have lost them. Very irritating.

Off to get a haircut now, and do some grocery shopping on the cheap.