The Long Highway

Friday, August 20, 2004

Yesterday, I awoke with a feeling that I was catching a cold. I also, as noted, was really tired out from our Disneyland trip. Mostly, yesterday was spent trying not to feel increasingly crappy, and far more time spent than usual on the blog due to software issues.

In the evening we went to Campanile restuarant for a continuing celebration of Genevieve's birthday. Friends Peter and Lisa joined us there for their weekly "grileld cheese night" during which this swanky venue serves tricked-out grilled cheese sandwiches. While they were very tasty indeed, G & I agreed that the price tage was exorbitant for the portions received. Afterwards, G & Lisa went out for a few beers. I attempted to go to a mixer at which several fewllo students-to-be were to be in attendance. But I felt really crappy, on top of which I couldn't find any of the few people I already know from school and I felt to gross to be popping up to people asking if they were my fellow students. So, after hanging around for about 15 minutes I split and came home and watched a documentary on TV.

This afternoon I have to go out and do laundry since the buildign management is taking the longest possible time to replace the washers in the building. This seemingly simple project is going to stretch out until Monday, so I am off to wash our clothes, pick up something for dinner, and use the spin cycle to catch up on my reading assignments for school. Tonight it's a double feature for school, too. Tomorrow our friend Shome is in town and G & I are going to the Disney concert at night, complete with picnic dinner and post-concert fireworks.