After salting down the yardbird Joe seared it up on the grill and slow-cooked it to perfection, plating it with handmade, brandy-kissed applesauce. Absolutely delicious. After this final course we had an assortment of pies (lemon meringue for me) and walked the mile or so to the venue. It was fun strolling into the main quad of USC and basically following the marching band to the arena. But getting into the place was another matter. The crowd control was the worst I have ever seen, and I have been to literally dozens of concerts at venues at least 30% larger than this, and I have never seen anything as half-assed as the handling of entry into this arena, in the pissing rain, no less. Joe, G and I grabbed a beer in the parking lot, and I nicked off to the museum to have a seat in their nice, warm restroom and take care of business, to the delight of several other museum patrons. (At least three children came in while I was in there and said, "Daddy, PU, let's get outta here!"). I had to pay admission to get into the museum but believe you me it was the best three bucks I ever spent in my life.
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