Another big update today, having missed a few.
Friday, G and I went to saee the Night Shyamalan flick, The Village, at the terriffic Arclight Cinemas. Genevieve loved it and I was totally bummed out at how bad I thought it was. Really, the biggest cinematic disappointment in years. And I love Shyamalan's pictures to date. I don't want to give anything away about the flick. Suffice it to say that it is not what it is marketed as (i.e. scary or suspenseful), it is morally ambiguous at best, and the characters are thinly drawn and in some cases classic "bad screenplay" characters (when you don't know how to add substance tyo a character, give himsome little quirk, like worrying if his shirt gets wrinkled all the time). Tremendously disappointing.
Saturday, we went down to Redondo Beach, south of LA, with lifelong locals Isaac and Julie, who have very kindly been turning us on to all maner of local delights. The Pier is a giant, boardwalk-style place with many little shops and bars, some of them sporting great draft beer selections.
The Redondo Beach Pier is also home to the aptly-named Quality Seafood company.

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