The Long Highway

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Lacking energy to make much of an update today and not much to report. Last night attempts to see a movie, enjoy a movie we rented, have a nice dinner, and for me to meet some school folks at a local bar all came to naught. I did end up drinking some beers and staying up too late, though, which meant today I slept in. Did a few random things as the day rapidly got away from me. Spent most of the late afternoon working on something I needed to finish for my sister & tracked down some tickets for Genevieve's birthday present (I got her a picnic basket/cooler, some recipes she could pick to fill it with, and tickets to a Disney concert at the Hollywood Bowl.)

Now I have to weatch a film for school. I am getting to a point where I am under the gun a little. So updates will be kinda short after tomorrow, G's birthday, which we'll be spending at Disneyland!