The Long Highway

Monday, August 23, 2004

Out way later than I thought I would be last night at the AFI get-together. Met some cool people & definitely some people it will be fun to hang with. I am looking forward to it all starting up so we can all be asking less questions (will it be like this? will it be like that?).

Left the bar around 12:30, walked Boris & went out and grabbed a burger, then came home and crashed heavy by around 1:30-2:00. Memo to self: 8 Heinekens+cold medicine=not the greatest combo.

Slept very late this morning and the dance party was going on downstairs. Countered with 2 tracks from a King Crimson DVD, that seemed to calm the show down. Still gurgly and sniffy from the accursed cold but it feels like it is on the ropes. Here's hoping.