The wet bar. A mind boggling assortment of goodies, nuts, cheeses, candy, wines, beers, I mean, just incredible! Never have I seen such a five-star tailgate -- the envy of the entire parking lot. The menu consisted of a delicious hot spiked cider and beautiful potato-leek soup for starters. And then things really kicked into high gear. So many courses of absolutely stellar food wielded by Joe, it made the head spin and the stomach expand to untold dimensions. There was the soup, then hot dogs in a delicious sauerkraut and bratwurst/ham-hock choucroute (I think that's how it's spelled). On top of that were some unbelievable Guinness-braised short ribs, I mean they just brought a tear to your eye as they melted in your mouth, with a nice horseradish sauce. I mean so much food you wouldn't believe it.
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