The Long Highway

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Tonight G and I had a cheap dinner out at Miceli's, and I went to see The Empire Strikes Back on the giant screen at the Egyptian Theatre down the street from our apartment. I am not real fond of the odd and uncomfortable seating at the Egyptian, but I like a lot of their programming and their presentation of the material is always absolutely top shelf, and tonight's screening, enthusiastically attended by colorful nerds of all varieties, was no exception. A real treat to see an old favorite, easily the finest of the Star Wars series, in such a setting.

Walked home, enjoying the crazy people/tourist mix that is Friday night on Hollywood Blvd. G was going to go to the movie but she was tired, so I came home and set her up with a foot bath and continued on with the near-complete CDs-to-iTunes project. One more box of CDs and one more 42-count sleeve and then it's all in there!

Phew. Done enough today. It seems like this morning's workshop at school took place 100 years ago. I cleared my baby-related absences with my teachers, or I think I have anyway -- I am sure they'll let me know if I haven't!