Family Fun

Originally uploaded by laughograms.
Yep, I'm a family guy these days. Had a nice evening walk over to a new Disney facility nearby, around the corner actually: the Disney Soda Foutnain and Studio Store. basically they have a small array of merchandise and an enormous quantity of video stuff, complete with what's supposed to be "the vault" into which Disney films go over time. Most of the shop is given over to an ice cream parlor offering sundaes, cones, and actual old-fashioned sodas. Chatted for a bit with J. Kevin Frawley, a VP of Show Production, the arm of the studios which apparently runs this enterprise, attached as it is to the El Capitan Theatre. He explained that Studio prez Dick Cook wanted an ice cream parlor from the very first day they reopened the El Capitan, and that when the Disney Store -- no longer owned by Disney, just kind of franchised out -- expired its lease on the property attached to the lobby, they decided to go for it. It's very nice, and the staff on opening night (tonight) exuded that wonderful Disney friendliness (even Goofy got into the act). There were only a couple of things I wasn't crazy about. One, I would have opted for a more old-timey look for the place. The design is kind of boring and nondescript, not unlike the Paris Disney Studios attraction. Really kind of dull and not very "Disney," with none of the imaginative detail the Imagineers might have invested it with. Second, the musical selections were AOR rock and roll. Not period stuff, but everythign from "Layla" to "Little Red Corvette." Just seemed out of place. Better, I suppose, than the nauseating Radio Disney fare served up at Downtown Disney. The ice cream and sodas were excellent, however! Yummy and delicious. We had a fine dinner there too -- hot dog for G, grilled cheese for me. It was a nice evening and as the sun set over Hollywood Boulevard we walked back to the house with Jack bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. As cfar as my home exploits go, I really feel I have gotten into the rhythm of this tending-to-Jack thing. Early morning feeding, nap, lunchtime feeding, nap, mid-afternoon feeding, usually awake for a while but amusing himself in his chair or papasan, late afternoon feeding, and depending on when mommy comes home, early evening feeding. Nap times, I manage to walk the dog, eat my breakfast and/or lunch, shower and change, do a few to-do's on my list. In the afternoon if Jack's awake OR asleep we can always run an errand, as we did today and yesterday, and will tomorrow (as I have a real opthalmologust appointment. Fully expecting a big change in my left eye prescription and perhaps -- gasp! -- bifocals!!). The day does seem to start to fly by though after 1:00 or so. Usuaully I cook dinner once G is home to mind Jack and before you know it it is 9 or 10 at night.
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