Bible site weirdness finally resolved . . .
Finally, figured out the weird Bible link thing with the help of Blogger. Feel so dumb . . . the Bible dude poached every conceivable misspelling of "" including what turned out to be my misspelling of it in the link I posted. Fixed the spelling, no more problem. What a loser that Bible dude is.
Phew, the end of a long Sunday which ends a long weekend. As mentioned in the audio entry below, spent 19 hours in a bowling alley on Friday filming a documentary . . . a sad day especially for the older patrons and people who worked there during the course of the alley's 63 years. This will be a nice flick when it is all done but I can't quite bring myself to review the footage yet after that 19-hour marathon. I am the only person I know who has ever spent 19 hours in a bowling alley and lived to tell the tale. As anyone who saw me yesterday will attest, the lesson I learned was, never spend 19 hours in a bowling alley unless you want to look spotty, puffy, swollen and greasy the next day.
Anyway. Saturday was spent groaning to myself, mostly. Picked up some of the dozen or so books I have to read and a few of the 44 films I am supposed to see before I start at AFI in August. Oh darn, I have to read tons of books about movies and watch a movie almost every day! Hello, briar patch.
Delighted to see today's replay on IFC of Michael Moore winning the Palme d'Or at Cannes for Fahrenheit 911. Hopefully this will give the film a wider, splashier US release. Wonderful stuff, I thought the guy was gonna have a heart attack, he was so utterly flabbergasted:

Good for him. Moore is a polemicist, not a journalist, much as he seems to think he is the latter. He is not objective and shouldn't pretend to be. All that said he is on the right side of the argument and I agree with him 100% . . . but sometimes I wonder if he isn't preaching more or less to the choir.
On a related note: Am I the only one who finds the excuse that "we weren't trained in the rules of the Geneva Convention" to be the lamest possible excuse for the behavior of prison guards in Iraq? I mean, do you really need training to know it is wrong to fondle prisoners' genitals, force them to denounce their religion, perform lewd sex acts on each other? Are you that much of a degenerate automaton? The horror . . . I mean, it's Mistah Kurtz/Heart of Darkness shit.
Mind-boggling that our bumbling oaf of a president still continues to play the Great Liberator while virtually every Iraqi curses his name. Incredible that he thinks that just by mumbling mealy-mouthed platitudes while Najaf burns we will all be pacified . . . well, we're not. Are we?
In any case, I am certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that these activities were not only institutionally condoned but ordered, on some level, from the top.
"Because we acted, torture rooms are closed, rape rooms no longer exist, mass graves are no longer a possibility in Iraq." -- George W. Bush, remarks at "Ask President Bush" event, Michigan, May 3, 2004
I mean, the balls on this peckerhead.
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