The Ghost of Christmas Future
Last week Genevieve and I went to the doctor for what's called a "structural ultrasound," a heavily detailed analysis of the baby's development. (I mean, they look into everything, check the valves of the heart, the kidneys, the whole deal -- all flying colors for little Jack).
These eye-popping pictures are the result. They have 3D imaging technology now that allows you to see the baby's features in incredible detail, considering he's inside the womb! They have a "4D" process which gives you a heavily textured, full motion video as well. Here are both of these images for you. It's a little eerie -- at least for me -- he seems like almost a ghostly little presence in there. It was incredible seeing him make his little "sneeze" move just as Genevieve said "ooh! he moved!"
Here is the "3D" image:

And the "4D":

Last night we saw Ocean's 12. Awful movie -- but that's not the point. The baby seems to like peanut butter cups, because G ate one while watching the movie and the baby went nuts. G was giggling through half the movie at his wiggling around.
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