The Long Highway

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Left Coaster: Treasongate (Part VI): Response to GOP talking points

It's incredible to me that the supporters of our jabbering Ape of a child-president still parrot out the senseless and demonstrably false shite peddled by this administration. I just can't believe the level of willful self-deception that goes on in the name of "patriotism." It makes me want to vomit.

I hope this slimy, pig-faced redneck scumbag Rove gets whipped naked through the streets of Georgetown. Something tells me it ain't gonna happen -- but he may be a millstone around the neck of this corrupt, thieving gang of scum in the White House for the rest of Monkey-Boy's term regardless. Which would also be nice. Cheerfully-biased link courtesy of my brother Teige.

The Left Coaster: Treasongate (Part VI): Response to GOP talking points