Finally feeling like myself after an exhausting shoot on Friday, an exhausted day of recuperation and errand-running on Saturday, and a load of laundering and house-cleaning and office-straightening Sunday. A long day of work but not too beastly, the usual boring tasks, wireless network setups and spyware removals. Now at home, it is pleasant and cool outside, the house is tidy and the workspace clean, I have some fresh Peter Gabriel live MP3s playing, and life is fine.
Meanwhile G just called to tell me some mystery malfunction light is flashing on her car. This follows on her being one of 9 vehicles involved in a pileup last Friday night. She was rear-ended and smashed into someone else's rear end while at a dead stop because some asshole plowed into a car 7 cars behind her.
She was unharmed but her car, her pride and joy, suffered a crushed rear bumper and a badly damaged front bumper as well as some other random dings and scrapes. It was technically driveable but on her 60-mile commute home today the mystery light came on. The dealership told her to get it in ASAP, so she's heading to the dealership and I'm to meet her there in a while.
Increasingly I feel like we can't get out of Chicago fast enough. I realize that is dopey superstition but I have been feeling like we have overstayed our welcome here for some time. Or perhaps Chicago has overstayed its welcome with us, or both.
Genevieve's car looks like this (or did, before the accident) and is one of only 2000 of this special model sold in the US.

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