The Long Highway

Monday, May 31, 2004

Today, we slept in, then tried to go to Wishbone for brunch -- big mistake, it was totally jammed. So we drove around for a while trying to find a place that wasn't filled to overflowing. Stopped at the Borders to pick a few things up, finally found someplace with a ten-minute wait and had a pretty tasty breakfast -- at 1:00 in the afternoon mind you. Then we stopped at Facets so I could pick up some more movies, another stop at Blockbuster after dropping off G, and then I was off to a friend's cookout for an hour or two. G stayed home and did the laundry (it was her turn).

Came back home, organized, then watched Mizoguchi's Ugetsu, a haunting and beautiful film, one of the best ever in my opinion. Times like this I don't mind having to watch 42 movies in 2.5 months! Yesterday's viewing was Badlands, which I really did not like. It's always weird when you watch an acknowledged masterpiece of the cinema for the first time and it leaves you totally cold. I mean, I just didn't get it at all.

Speaking of totally cold, this weekend has been one long bluster. Rain, rain, clouds, more rain, thunder, lightning, blech.

Anyway, this will be a short week. Expect more voice updates than usual this week. After working tomorrow we're going to LA on Wedneday to find an apartment. I think at that point, the move will really feel like something that is going to happen rather than something vaguely on the horizon. Strange to think we've just a few more weeks in this place.